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Girgis Abd El-Shahid Shares Insights on Enhancing Efficiency in International Arbitration at AlexU-CRCICA Conference

Girgis Abd El-Shahid Shares Insights on Enhancing Efficiency in International Arbitration at AlexU-CRCICA Conference


During the AlexU-CRCICA Arbitration Conference V, our Managing Partner, Girgis Abd El-Shahid, offered valuable insights on enhancing efficiency in international arbitration as part of a thought-provoking panel discussion.

This discourse played a pivotal role in unraveling the intricacies regarding "The Prevention of Procedural Paranoia and Dilatory Tactics."

Accompanying Girgis Abd El-Shahid were a cadre of esteemed thought leaders including Abdallah El Shehaby, FCIArb, Mohamed Rouchdi, and Ahmed R. Sallam.

